Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's Next?

Hello again,

You might have noticed that is not working. We have made a few changes and as for now this will be our main page until further notice.

ACC is in the process of starting another adventure/fundraiser. The big idea right now is to climb three mountains (The Grand Teton, Cowen, Granite Peak) in three consecutive days. The money is going to be raised for the new homeless shelter in Bozeman.

So many people liked the idea of what we did last yeah in Ecuador that we have had many requests from other climbers in the community to join us. Our goal is to have three teams of three people complete the three peak challenge.

We have set the three climbing days in August on the 13th, 14th, and 15th.

The idea is set and now we are in the organizing stage trying to figure out logistics and gather donations.

Some may have heard that an alumni of the MSU Media and Theater Arts program heard about our trip to Ecuador and created a short documentary on the trip. She has been working hard since we have gotten back and has just recently given us the final copy. She donated all of her time and equipment to provide us with an amazing short film to use in spreading the word. We are working right now to put the film on the Internet so check back soon for a link.

1 comment:

caroline said...

Way to go guys! Excited for the new adventure! Really like the blog entries-kudos to whomever got that all done so nicely! I will send the new address around!