Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Who Is This Man!?

Well Michael pretty much already gave you the rundown of our climb of Illiniza Sur. Things went very well. The one thing that I wanted to add was how amazing Michael has been performing on the mountains. He did an amazing job today finding the route up Sur after a quick scout the night before and reading and memorizing lots of beta in the guidebooks.

Then much to our surprise after returning to the hut after Sur Michael decided he had not had enough punishment for the day and decided to run up Norte while Travis and I rested in the hut. He did the round trip in an hour and ten minutes. I am pretty sure he is superhuman… or just crazy.

Travis also did very well on the climb today and we look forward to having us with him for our attempt on Antisana.

Thank you all very much for the late night prayers while we are climbing.



Nicole said...

Hi Jer!

Wow, it sounds like you guys have had a very exciting trip despite the crummy weather! I look forward to hearing more about it when you return - great photos by Michael! Happy New Year and we'll see you soon.

Aunt Nicole

Darlene Chamberlin said...

Thanks for the update! Had to feel wonderful to all summit together AND feeling well too. We should be able to certify Michael as a crazy man with your stories. Be safe on the last mountain and we look forward to knowing you are all back in Bozo!

caroline said...

cant we pay some tuition bills somehow while he is in this kind of shape?can he carry packs for other climbers for a fee or something?any mountain climbing marathons going on down there? 1 hour up norte-thats nuts-the guide books say 4-5.
so glad you all had a spectacular summit-together!!!

Liz said...

Way to go guys! Thanks for the updates. We at MCS are following your every step. Good job, Jeremy!

Aunt Liz