Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year (Almost)

Well today we climbed a smaller peak in Cotopaxi National Park. There was no snow involved and we didn’t start climbing until 9am so it was a nice change. There are three peaks on the one mountain and we were planning on walking the ridge to get each peak, it didn’t work out as planned. The rock that we were scrambling on kept breaking off in our hands and under our feet. So after only traversing for a quarter mile we ended up slipping and sliding down a scree field and then bushwhacking through some very tall grass and shrubs. Things could have gone better but we did get the south peak before we ran out of time and had to get down to catch our ride at 5pm. Weather half way cooperated with us as well. We only had to climb in the clouds for around an hour. I think I may have even gotten a slight sunburn on the back of my neck!
All of us felt pretty good for the climb. Once again Travis and I seem to be Michael’s ball and chain always slowing him down. We even try to make him carry most of the gear but it doesn’t seem to do much. He probably would have been able to summit the North peak as well but Travis and I were ready to head down.

Tonight there is supposed to be a BBQ at PapaGayo and then we were invited to ride into Quito to celebrate there. I am not exactly sure what we will all end up doing. I hope everyone at home has been enjoying the holiday seasons as it is almost over.

Thanks once again for all the prayers and thoughts. Michael should have some more good pictures of today if I can poke and prod him into writing a blog tonight.


Since Michael put up some of my most flattering pictures on the last post I thought I would
return the favor ;o)

1 comment:

Tami said...

Looks like you better keep closer tabs on your camera Mike!