Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where we go from here.

We are now back at papagayo. After evaluating our situation and thinking about our plans for the next two weeks, this is what we have decided.

As you all know, weather has been very bad since we have been here and has made some of our climbing a bit difficult. You also all know that Travis has not been having a good time dealing with high altitude climbing. Here is our change of plans for the moment.

We came to Ecuador not to break records, or climb as high as we possibly could, we came to Ecuador to climb as three friends, to enjoy ourselves, to challenge ourselves, and to provide an adventure, for all of you following us, to live vicariously through. This being the goal and focus of our trip, we have decided to forgo our attempt on Chimborazo, the highest mountain in Ecuador. Not only has the weather put this mountain in poor condition for climbing, but it is also well out of the reach of Travis due to his altitude problems. We have already climbed to over 19,000ft on Cotopaxi and to just under 19,000ft on Cayambe. Travis could not join us for either of these climbs. Rather than having jer and I continue to climb while trav sits at camp or at the Refugio, we are going to change our schedule.

Tomorrow we will attempt a three peak traverse of rumihaui (sp), which is a rock mountain, with all three peaks just over 15,000ft. This is a challenging, exciting climb that Travis can join us for because of its lower elevation. After that we will celebrate New Years Eve at Papagayo and in the first week of January we will attempt Illiniza sur, an ice climb that should be doable for Travis as well, and last of all we will attempt Antisana as our last climb on the 4th of Jan.

We will have more details on these plans in the next blog, for now we are getting to bed to prepare for our climb tomorrow.

God Bless and Love Always,


1 comment:

Darlene Chamberlin said...

Sounds like a sensible game plan guys! Good idea to drop back and regroup according to your original goals rather than be frustrated by the conditions. Focus on enjoying "what is" and make some memories! Praying for health for all three of you!