Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

So as most of you probably have figured out it is still raining here which is preventing us from getting to three of the four mountains near us. The only one that is possible to reach right now is Cotopaxi, it is the second tallest mountain in Ecuador at 19,347 feet. This mountain is very popular to climb and is well within our abilities. The only problem that we might run into is our lack of acclimatization. We plan on spending two days at the refuge (instead of the normal one day) at 15,750 feet to try and adjust to the altitude and then make our summit push in the wee hours of the third morning.

If everything goes as planed we will be without communication other then the SPOT for the next three days. All of your prayers are greatly appreciated. Hopefully we will be back with good news and great pictures in three days.

Untill then.


mtrev said...

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another time.

These three guys want to climb!


caroline said...

looks like you reached the summit at prox 5.30 am mountain time on the 23rd! can't wait to get details-could see you right on the northern rim of the edge of what looks like the opening into the volcano.really appreciate the signal from back at what i think is the refuge as well!
rain/?snow stopped yet?Congratulations!!!!

Tami said...

One down 7 to go! It was fun to watch your ascent with the spot! Looking forward to the pictures, hope they turn out looks like you did it in the wee hours this morning. So excited for all of you. Although the moms need details! Go ACC!!!

Unknown said...

hey! can´t wait to hear how it went... isaac and i hit up iliniza norte yesterday, didn´t go all the way but got up past the saddle a ways-- would have been better with helmets... Hope you all are chillin with luna and yoav and a good old ecua-pilsner right now.
